Online Free Video Series: Revelation of the Book of Revelation
The 4 Horses of Revelation: How It Began With The Covid Pandemic
This video contains urgent and vitally important knowledge, wisdom and understanding from Abba Father for His people in this critical time in history: which is not only life-saving – in terms of having the potential to literally save your life now – but potentially has very weighty consequences in terms of eternity. This is a teaching from the Book of Revelation and other portions of Scripture that prophesy about the end times, which will open your eyes to understand what is unfolding on the world stage right now – especially in terms of the COVID 19 pandemic we recently went through – what the Bible has to say about it and where it is all leading… and other important global events soon to follow.
- Cracking Open The Meaning of the Symbolism of the 4 Horses of Revelation and Their Relevance to World Events That Are Now Unfolding.
- The 4 Horses of Revelation as Pre-birth Pangs and Birth Pangs – Harbingers and Forerunners of God’s Judgement – and How They Fit into the Overall Timeline of the End Times.
- The First White Horse of Revelation:
- Plagues, Pestilences, World Wide Infectious, Virulent Diseases and Pandemics
- Which Comes With Lies and Deception From the Kingdom of Darkness
- And Which Serves the Ultimate Purpose of Ushering in the New World Order That Brings the World Population Under The Control, Dictatorship and Rule of the Anti-Christ – Where They Are Programmed by Deception to Submit to Him.
- Understanding the Historical Significance of Nimrod Who is a Foreshadow to the Rider of the First White Horse of Revelation – Who is the Anti-Christ, the Conqueror, One World Leader, Tyrannical Dictator and Counterfeit False Messiah
- The Return of the One World Order of Nimrod/the Anti-Christ in the end times:
- A One World Government with the One World Leader/Dictator (the Anti-Christ)
- A One World Economy – where all the currencies of different countries are fused onto one digital currency that is combined with the human implantable device that delivers the vaccines, which eventually evolves into the mark of the beast of Revelation 13 v 16 – 17.
- A One World Religion – the same baal worship of the mystery Babylon religion of Nimrod and ancient Egypt – of which Free Masonry in the modern version of today.
- Understanding How Pharmaceutical Deceptions Brought in Through the Medical Field on the Pretext of the Covid 19 Pandemic Plays a Major Role in the Deceptions of the End Times and the Great Falling Away:
- Revelation 18 v 23 Prophesied That “By Sorceries Were All Nations Deceived” (The Word “Sorcery” in the Greek Being “Pharmakeia” Which Means “Dispenser of Medicine, a Pharmaceutical Drug or Poison)
- The Elimination of the Soul through Medicine: The Effect These Pharmaceutical Deceptions Have To Deaden a Person Spiritually and Deaden Their Soul in Order to Snuff Out Spiritual Pursuit, Soul Development (The Desire to Repent, Renew the Mind with the Word of God, Grow Spiritually etc.) and Dampens/Removes the Desire to Seek God and Have a Relationship with Him – Resulting in the Love of Most for God Growing Cold (Matthew 24 v 11) – and the Great Falling Away – the Apostasia Which is Falling Away From Truth into Deception
- How the Genetic Modifications of Medical Technology in the Last Days Mirrors the Days of Noah in Genesis Chapter 6: Where There is an Increase in Lawlessness (Matthew 11 v 12), Evil, Depravity and Wickedness on the Earth.
- The Future Role of the Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccine Delivery System
- How the Measures Being Brought in on the Pretext of this Current Health Crisis in the Form of the Immunity Passports (Green Pass, Health pass etc.) Are Setting Structures in Place For the New World Order:
- Proof of vaccination: Provided by the Enzyme Luciferase – a Near Infrared Bioluminescence Enzyme which is Photoreceptive – it Lights Up on Your Skin and Will be Able to be Seen Through a Special Mobile Device App on Smart Phones as Proof of Vaccination
- Digital I.D
- Eventually Linked with Digital Currency – Where the One World Currency/One World Economy Which Becomes the Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13 v 16 – 17)
- The Introduction of Nanotechnology to the Body and Its Future Role in the Mining of Biometric Data For Awarding Cryptocurrency in the New World Order Which Involves the Total Control and Slavery of Mankind
- The Problem with the Nasal PCR tests:
- Why They Are So Inaccurate No Genuine Medical Conclusions Can Be Drawn From Them
- Their Interesting Link to Babylon and Egypt
- Why They Are Far More Than A Supposed Test…
- The Significance of the Cribriform Plate at the Top of The Nasal Passage Which Provides Easiest Access to the Brain and Blood Brain Barrier for the Delivery of Substances
- The Second Red Horse of Revelation: World Wide War
- The Third Black Horse of Revelation: Famine – Both in the Physical (Starvation, Hunger, Food Shortages, Inflation of Cost of Food and Setting of Prices of Food Rations) and Spiritual (Famine of God’s Word)….and the Days of Glory and Miracles God’s People Will Experience in This Time.
- The Fourth Pale Green Horse of Revelation: The Rise of Islam and How the Two Figures Associated with The Rider of This Horse Named as Death and Hell are Related to the Descendants of Ishmael (12 Tribes From Arabs Which Includes the Muslim People Associated with Islam) and the Descendants of Esau (the Edomites Associated with the New World Order Agenda of Free Masonry) Pursuing and Persecuting the Descendants of Isaac and Jacob – The 12 Tribes of Israel Who are the Jewish People of Israel today (the Tribes of Benjamin and Judah) and the Christians (Remaining 10 Tribes Scattered in the Gentile Nations).
- Understanding the Relevance of What Jesus Said in Matthew 24 v 7 to the Fourth Pale Green Horse and Its Riders:
- Matthew 24 v 7: “Kingdom will rise against kingdom”: The Kingdom of Darkness against the Kingdom of Light; The Kingdom of Satan against the Kingdom of God (Revelation 12 v 7: “And war broke out in heaven, Michael [the archangel] and his angels waging war with the dragon.”)
- Matthew 24 v 7: “Nation will rise against nation.” 2 BROTHERS – 2 NATIONS:
- Understanding How The 2 Figures of the Rider of the 4th Pale Green Horse (Descendants of Ishmael and Esau) Are Related to the Dangerous Wild Animals/Beasts Described in Scripture as Part of the 4 Judgements.
- The Hunters of Genesis Return in the End Times: Jeremiah 16 v 16: “But now I will send for many fisherman,” declares YHVH, “and they will catch them. After that I will send for many hunters, and they will hunt them down on every mountain and hill and from the crevices of the rocks.”
- The Hunters: Descendants of Ishmael: Genesis 21 v 8 – 21: “18 Lift up the boy and take him by the hand. I will make him into a great nation.”19 Then God opened Hagar’s eyes, and she saw a well of water…20 God was with the boy as he grew up. He lived in the desert and learned to shoot a bow and arrow.”
- The Hunters: Descendants of Esau: Genesis 25 v 27: “When the boys grew up, Esau was an able and skilled hunter, a man of the outdoors, but Jacob was a quiet and peaceful man, living in tents.”
- The Mighty Hunter Nimrod: Genesis 10 v 9: “He was Nimrod, a mighty hunter before YHVH.”
- Understanding How Pride and Deception are the 2 Fangs of the Snake (the Serpent Satan) That Makes Us Vulnerable to the Enemy:
- Why This is the Most Dangerous Time in History to Have a Lifestyle of Lukewarmness, Fleshliness, Worldliness and Compromise
- How The Pride of Life Makes Us Vulnerable to The Great Deception, the Great Falling Away and the Many Destructions Coming Upon the Earth (The Pride of Life is Living for Ourselves and the Temporary Pleasures of the Flesh).
- Understanding the Main Point and Urgency of this Message Which is: We’re in the very last seconds of grace! It’s time to enter the Ark of His Supernatural Protection:
- It’s time to cleanse our wedding garments to prepare for the marriage supper of the Lamb
- Through applying the Blood of Yeshua (Jesus) in repentance
- And renewing our mind with the washing of the water of the Word
- Because the coming of our Bridegroom and King is imminent!
- Jesus said that the generation living when all these things start happening will not pass away before He returns
- It’s time to cleanse our wedding garments to prepare for the marriage supper of the Lamb
Matthew 24 v 34: “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, this generation [the people living when these signs and events begin] will not pass away until all these things take place.”
Luke 21 v 28: “Now when these things begin to occur, stand tall and lift up your heads [in joy], because [suffering ends as] your redemption is drawing near.”
Matthew 24 v 37: “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”
Ministry song by Lize Wiid: The Priestly Blessing in Hebrew
Ministry song by Lou Huck: Do You Know I’m Knocking?
Shama book: By Sarah Van Vuuren from Bridal Harvest (
Page 351: “The Harlot and the Beast”
Page 385: “The Last Days”
“A Vision and a Word from the Lord” April 2020: (find more of Christine Beadsworth’s prophetic words on the “storehouse page” of this website).
For those who feel inspired and Holy Spirit led to study this teaching in more depth for yourself, and hopefully “take the baton” to share this vitally important message with others – whether it be in church, a Bible study/fellowship group or with people you meet in everyday life – below are some tools, which we hope will be of value in assisting you:
- The complete Power Point slides – which are all the slides/pictures you looked at whilst watching the video.
- “Lecture Notes” – where everything that was spoken “word for word” in the video is put onto Power Point slides in a way that makes it very easy for you to teach or share this information with others, where you can simply read and speak out the words of the teaching, for example in a church service or Bible Study setting.
- The lecture notes work “hand in hand” with the other slides/pictures you looked at whilst watching the video.
- You need 2 laptops – one with the slides that the “audience” sees, and the other laptop which only you use, to look at your lecture notes.
- On some slides in the lecture notes, you will see a box with the picture of a pomegranate in it – the purpose of these boxes is to prompt you when to change the slide that the “audience” is looking at, whilst you are speaking from the lecture notes.
- The number in the box, tells you the number of the slide in the power point presentation that should be showing for the “audience” to see, so that the right slide is showing, which coincides with what you are saying and explaining at the point, from your lecture notes.
- Of course, you are welcome to use the lecture notes and slides exactly as they are, or you are free to change the wording and adapt the lecture notes and slides to your own flavor and way of sharing the Word of God with others – but at least these slides “give you a place to start from”.
- Color coding:
- Words in blue – are very important statements which prompts you to put extra effort into your expression and emphasis of what is being said.
- Words in green, such as for example, “PAUSE”, “NEW POINT” etc, are not words that are meant to be spoken out – it is just there to help you as you are speaking out the message, if you are using the lecture notes.
- Words in red, it just to help catch your attention to the box prompting you to change the slide.
There is a copyright on the material, which is only there to prevent people from abusing it for financial again. The Gospel is not for sale! Freely you have received…and in the same way freely give! Otherwise feel free to use the material in whatever way would be of value to you.
This is a guideline repentance prayer to assist you in breaking all the curses, defilement and destructive effects on our spirit, soul and body from vaccines –including vaccines in the past, right from childhood and especially the recent COVID vaccines. Be encouraged to pray this prayer with all your heart, as you sit before Abba Father in His presence…and even write it out on paper as an official petition and “legal document” that you take to the court rooms of Heaven by faith –as you trust the Blood of Yeshua/Jesus to cleanse your spirit, soul and body of all unrighteousness and everything that is not from Abba Father (1 John 1 v 9). After praying this repentance prayer, sign your name at the end, as you prepare your heart to make a stand under the pressure in the time ahead, when the Babylon beast system of the Anti-Christ will try to pressure and force mandatory vaccines and the occultic technology it contains on the global population – in preparation for the coming mark of the beast.