Online Free Video Series
Revelation of the Book of Revelation
By Dr. MK Strydom Explaining The Meaning of the Book of Revelation
A video teaching series explaining the meaning of the Book of Revelation – not based on any man’s opinion – but using Scripture to interpret Scripture… to bring the meaning of the Bible to life – so we can see its relevance to significant recent and soon coming world events, and all that is currently unfolding on the world stage.
The book of Revelation in the Bible has always been a very difficult book to understand – but NOW is the time that it’s vitally important for us to understand it – because the prophesies contained in it, that were written thousands of years ago – are now unfolding before our very eyes with pin point accuracy!
In these prophesies – God (Yahweh/YHVH) reveals:
- Exactly what is going to happen in the very near future and why, as the world is being catapulted into the end times.
- What His beautiful and magnificent plan is in all that will take place, for those who walk closely with Him, in an intimate love relationship with Him – that will bring you great excitement, encouragement and hope – strengthening you to face the tough times ahead with a fearless faith.
- And He shares vitally important warnings – and also specific instructions in the midst of those warnings for His people – so we can be in the right place at the right time, be prepared for the time ahead in all the practical ways we need to be, and so that we can be educated, well informed and equipped with life saving wisdom – in order not to fall into the enemy’s traps – because these are days of great deception!
For example, in Revelations 18 v 23 the Bible warned that pharmaceutical deceptions would be employed to deceive the nations of the entire earth – which we began to see take place from 2020 on the pretext of the so called recent “COVID 19 pandemic”.
Abba Father (God/Yahweh) called Dr. MK Strydom in Eagles’ Wings into medicine in order to use her background of medical training, in ministry, to benefit the body of Christ because in the end times – the medical field will be used to advance the plans of the enemy to usher in the New World Order of the Anti-Christ (a One World Government, One World Religion i.e. the worship of Satan/Lucifer and a One World Economy/Mark of the Beast (Revelations 13).
And therefore, this is one of the reasons Abba Father has given Dr. MK Strydom and Tammy Van Rensburg who co-founded Eagles Wings (which is a medical ministry), a mandate and responsibility to share the Truth from the book of Revelations – with as many who are willing to listen.
So be invited to receive literally life saving understanding on this topic and many other very significant recent and soon coming world events before it’s too late…
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Seassion 10 Part 1

Session 10 Part 4

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