This video depicts what the 5th Biblical Feast of Trumpets is prophetically symbolic of, which is the rapture.
On this very appointed time, in a year very soon to come, our Majestic and Magnificent Savior, Redeemer, Bridegroom and King – Jesus of Nazareth, Yeshua our Messiah is coming back to fetch His Bride for the marriage supper of the Lamb!! Whooo hoooo! What a day that will be!!
In Scripture, the moon is symbolic of the Bride and the sun is symbolic of the Son (Malachi 4 v 2). Just as the moon reflects the sun’s light… so the Bride reflects the Son’s light (Matthew 5 v 13). The Feast of Trumpets, which is prophetically symbolic of the rapture, takes place on a new moon, which is where there is no moon… the significance of this symbolism, is that the moon disappears from visibility in the earth, and is only visible to the sun… in the same way, at the rapture, the Bride will disappear and no longer be visible on earth, but will be visible to the Son as we stand before the Son of Man to enter into the marriage covenant! Yeshua/Jesus said that He is coming back at “the day or hour no man knows!” This was a Hebrew idiom that referenced the feast of Trumpets – because in Biblical times, they did not have satellites etc. to know when exactly would be the new moon – it could be on any one of two days – and hence it was nick-named “The Day or Hour that no man knows”. So when Yeshua/Jesus said He’s coming back on the “Day or Hour no man knows”… He was telling us exactly when He’s coming back! On the Feast of Trumpets!
In this Book of Revelation series, we will equip you with the knowledge and understanding Scripture has given us, to know the signs of His return, so that by the year this significant Biblical feast is fulfilled with the rapture – you will be expecting Him, watching, ready and waiting! And can you imagine how indescribably exciting that is going to be!!
Be encouraged, more than ever – to keep seeking His face and heart in repentance and sanctification, through the washing of the water of the Word as we renew our minds with the Word of God, and passionately pursue an intimate love relationship with Him, from which overflows a lifestyle of holiness and radical, outrageous obedience to His Kingdom ways – because He’s coming for a PURE Bride! May He find us with our lamps filled with oil and our hearts hot on fire for Him when the trumpet sounds!